It’s easy to worry and many everyday events can cause anxiety. Just listening to or watching the news this evening could cause unnecessary worry. You could find yourself asking: "Is the economy going to collapse? Will I lose my job? Will there be war? Am I safe?" Society is barraged with negative information, but just because negativity is around doesn’t mean that you have to take ownership of it.

It is easier to worry and to be a pessimist than to take events in stride and to be an optimist. It is easier to declare crisis than to declare victory. It is easier to sense worrisome clouds in the future than to exude a thrill for life.

If you are not one already, your job is to become an optimist. If you want to be successful you have no choice. Many people are as optimistic as ever despite what is happening all around or to them. The task before you is to become like them. Here are ten tips to help you toward becoming an optimist.

1. Don’t be a woe is me person. Pursue your dreams.

2. Always be optimistic even when tempted with pessimism.

3. Give everyone the benefit of the doubt.

4. Assume people will like you.

5. Expect good things to happen.

6. Keep a smile on your face and wink generously.

7. Live by the philosophy that broke is a temporary condition and poor is a state of mind.

8. Be nice to people.

9. Do a good deed everyday.

10. Believe in yourself even when self doubt pops into your mind.

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Focused Intent ™

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