Three Ways to be a Victor not a Victim

Keep hope in your heart. Whatever difficult situation you may be facing can and will change if you want it to. Look at your situation in a positive way. Imagine the events coming against you as a sure sign that a better situation is coming. Learn to think positive thoughts about your life. Believe that you are a victor, not a victim.

Set you mind and keep it set on higher things. If you continue to dwell on positive thoughts, you will have a positive life. Don’t let your own thinking keep you in defeat and bondage. Be a prisoner of hope, not despair.

You may have some obstacles in your path, but don’t dwell on your problems. Stay in a good attitude to stay in peace. Do not be afraid and discouraged. Your life will follow your thoughts so keep your thoughts positive. Here are three tips to get you started.

1. Keep your mind filled with thoughts of victory even when logic tells you to give up.

2. Believe that all things are possible. What can you possibly gain by limiting yourself with self defeating thoughts.

3. Believe that you will be in the right place at the right time and that something good will happen today.

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