1. Always make a decision. Ponder, debate and research whatever decision you must make, but make a decision and make it decisively. As simple as it may sound, the failure to make a decision is a decision to not make a decision. Not making a decision is worse than making a wrong decision.
2. We can all make correct decisions most of the time. Ultimately every decision made is a 50/50 proposition. There is a 50% chance the decision will be right or wrong. The odds can increase in our favor with research, decisiveness and a positive attitude.
3. Work hard. Refuse to give up even when circumstances tell you to give up. There is no limit to what a person is capable of doing.
4. Make you life a never ending quest for self improvement. Read books and discover how other people have captured success in their lives. Listen to audio books and watch videos. Don’t watch and listen for too long though. Make sure to take action.
What steps have you taken in your life to proceed to your destiny?
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