Re-create Your World With Positive Words.

Aim for the positive 
To be truly happy, one must look inside themselves and follow their personal (legend) destiny. If a person waits their whole life because they are too afraid to pursue their (legend) destiny, they will always be thinking and wishing that their life might have turned out differently if they tried. In order to live successfully in this world, one must constantly wrestle with the ambiguous relation between desire, happiness and what one thinks they have to do in order to lead a successful life. Personal (legends) destinies are an object of desire that every dreamer wishes to achieve in their lifetime. In order for a person to find their personal (legend) destiny one must be not afraid to dream and to yearn for everything they would like to see happen to them in their lives.

Many people know that they are far off from reaching a personal goal, but it is the drive to reach to something great that keeps them going. All of the people in the world are looking to make sense of why certain things happen at points in their lives. Most people tend to ignore the obvious signs of God’s plan and just chalk it up to mere coincidence. 

Words are potent. God created the world by His Word. In many ways, we create our world by our words. Speak good things. Speak words that your family will be healthy. Speak that you will be protected from accidents. Speak that you and your children will prosper. Speak that you will get that job. Do not let others speak negativity over you.

The temptation when things do not go our way is to grumble, complain, accuse, point the finger or to become negative. Don't fall into this trap. Decree, declare and proclaim great plans, the victory, the breakthrough that God has in store for you. Speak and proclaim life into other people's destiny.

Be resolved to bring the positive into your life.

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