Rejection is an Opportunity

The word no can be an opportunity in disguise. It may not feel like an opportunity, but it can be depending on your attitude and view of life. Henry Ford’s business plan was rejected at least ten times before he was finally able to get his car business running. He was a man who took Advantage of the no factor. The no factor is a word I coined and will be described in a later posts.

Would you keep going after being told "no" ten times. Henry Ford’s persistence paid off for Henry. His persistence also paid off for Ford’s children, grandchildren and employees. There is a good chance that many of you reading this are also beneficiaries of Mr. Ford’s persistence if you are driving a Ford automobile.

The next time you are told no take it as an opportunity to get more. No just means "not now." It does not mean never. When you are told no be optimistic. Believe that the "no" means something better is in store. Do not chain yourself with any so called rejection. Be set free and be positive. With persistence anyone can reach their dreams.

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