Very often people will say something like "when I get a thousand dollars in the bank then I’ll be able to sleep at night" or "when I get that perfect job then I’ll be happy." We are all tempted to condition our happiness on some event that might happen in the future. The problem is, as the old saying goes, "tomorrow never comes."
As hard as it might be we must find happiness in the present moment. We can’t find happiness in the past as the past has already taken place. We cannot find happiness in the future as the future has not yet come. We only have the here and now so live in the present and do your best to enjoy it.
Make an attempt to enjoy the present even if the present isn’t as you would like it. Work to improve your future, but enjoy the present. Enjoy your job, friends, environment, family and everything else you encounter. Find something about every aspect of your life to enjoy. If you look hard enough you will find something.
Be positive and soar with the eagles. The alternative is to be negative and slink with creepy crawly things.
How do you best take advantage of the present moment?
Take care! Sheff
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