Keeping a Positive Attitude is Not a Magic Bullet

There are some misunderstandings about keeping a positive attitude that need to be clarified. Many of the positive thinking books on the market and their authors would have you believe that by simply visualizing your life in a certain manner all your problem will be magically solved.

I disagree. Resolving to keep a positive attitude is a great decision, but keeping a positive attitude will not solve all your problems. As a matter of fact, you may notice that after you first resolve to keep a positive attitude you will suddenly and immediately face events that will test your new found attitude.

The number one benefit to keeping a positive attitude is that it will help your life. Faced with a grumpy, angry and depressed person or a happy, positive and optimistic person, who would you prefer to be around? I would rather interact with a positive person.

Have you changed your attitude recently? What did you face when you first decided to change your attitude and outlook on life?

Take care my friends! Sheff

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